New Summit !


APRIL 7 - APRIL 11, 2025



Everything is changing, shifting, all at once, our patriarchal society is crumbling before our very eyes...

Our dear Mother world is experiencing the pains of rebirth, here we stand on the edge of this magical threshold, the birthing of this new age of humanity.

It is COSMIC TRUTH’s sacred mission to help this beautiful new world rise through us.

To reawaken the sacred knowledge we hold within our bones.

“Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the Gods.”

— Temple of Apollo at Delphi

We Come From The Stars …

Listen to the Whispers of your Soul

As we come into this knowledge of who we truly are, we heal from our past.

By opening up to new spiritual perspectives, integrating stellar materials transmitted by our galactic families, reconnecting to our ancestral star lineage,

We align to our deepest essence, in service of the liberation of Consciousness and the birthing of the New Human


COSMIC TRUTH’s Mission is to reunite humans with their stellar families, supporting the emergence of the New Human race, Homo Luminous

By studying and interpreting esoteric scriptures and stellar materials transmitted by our galactic families, filled with higher dimensional wisdom, we open up to higher perspectives, casting new light on spiritual knowledge, delving into a whole new body of knowledge, supporting us on our sacred path of Truth.

“What are men? Mortal gods. What are gods?Immortal men.”

— Heraclitus


As individuals and as a collective. Liberation from the shackles of illusion.

Our wish is to open doors to anybody who is ready to pass the threshold, empowering us as a community of humans and as children of the Cosmos.

Join Us

Hi ! I’m Anne Lise Ashaara

Anne Lise Ashaara is a Galactic Historian and a Galactic Ambassador.

She is the Founder of COSMIC TRUTH, a platform of Sacred Truth and Wisdom, supporting the Birth of the New Human, and Creator, Host & Producer of the COSMIC TRUTH Global Events.

A researcher and scholar, Anne Lise brings to light teachings from the stars and information about the true nature and profound inner power of humankind.

Following her awakening experiences, she is on a mission to guide people in accessing multidimensional spiritual wisdom, to study and interpret esoteric scriptures and stellar materials transmitted by our galactic families, so that we can open up to higher perspectives, cast new light on spiritual knowledge, delve into a radical new body of knowledge, and be fully supported on our path of uncovering the Truth.

By doing so, we participate and co-create alongside our planet for the rising of consciousness.

“My mission is that of a catalyst of Truth, a guide who will help people make the jump to their new multidimensional reality.” – Anne Lise Ashaara

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