Alicia Power
Interview Topic :
Soul Wound Healing To Activate Cosmic Remembrance
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When we begin our spiritual growth journey there comes a time when we get serious. About awakening. About consciousness evolution.
Alicia Power has been a spiritual teacher for 40 years. Her partnerships with Creator Being Spirit Mentors shortcuts the growth curve because of their generous availability to HEAL your SOUL WOUNDS.
For Lightworkers wanting to advance their SOUL AGENDA, clearing the drag on your awakening is essential. Alicia is an advanced telepath, forensic energy healer, master teacher, and global visionary.
Her YouTube channel has over 1.4 million views, she has authored over 20 online channeled soul accelerating courses, mentors thousands of students around the world, and is interested in helping humanityawaken in time.
For information, please visit : https://www.soulmentoring.com