Brooke Medicine Eagle

Interview Topic :

Wisdom from the Earth: Becoming Fully Human

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Brooke’s Free Gifts To You :

Secret One Song

Spirit That Moves Song

Walking Meditation (Visions Speaking Album)

Womens Mysteries: Moon Lodge Teachings w/Bonus Songs 25% Discount

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Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary indigenous EarthKeeper, wisdom teacher, healer, visionary, singer/songwriter, shamanic practitioner, catalyst for wholeness and leader of ceremonial empowerment.

She is the author of the American native literary classic,Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and of The Last Ghost Dance. Over the last 45 years, her many music recordings, teachings, writings, conference appearances, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people all over the world.

Brooke is an elder sister and guide, offering a lifetime of ancient & modern wisdom for your wellness, thriving & prospering.A current focus is on health and empowerment for women. Decades ago, she brought forward ancient, indigenous traditional ways of moon-time and women’s mysteries; and continues to feel strongly about the importance of moon-time practice for women’s health, spirit, leadership and service to the world. Her work with White Buffalo Woman gives foundation to the power and magic of the Feminine.

Brooke is also a sacred ecologist with a focused interest in living a harmonious, sustaining lifestyle, as well as dedication to the preservation of our sacred waters. The primary ongoing resonance of her work promotes a heart-centered, ecologically sound, healing way for the flowering of Mother Earth and All Our Relations.

She will continue to travel and teach internationally, enjoying the experience of being a Gaian citizen.

Brooke’s Website :