Eva Marquez
Interview Topic :
Embody Your Cosmic DNA
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Eva Marquez is a spiritual consultant, soul healer, teacher, and writer with a Pleiadian starseed lineage.
She has authored five books, and recently appeared on Gaia TV, interviewed by George Noory on “Beyond Belief”. She works alongside her guides, the Lights of the Universe, a group of light beings from different star nations, including the Pleiades. In her spiritual practice, she draws on Pleiadian energy, the Language of Light, and other ancient soul memories.
Eva and her team help starseeds remember their past lives on Earth and beyond, activate their dormant cosmic DNA, and reconnect with their soul family. She strives to aid starseeds in adapting to their physical bodies, empowering them to fulfill their life missions in supporting humanity's evolution into a multidimensional species while safeguarding the planet for future generations.
Eva carries with her the memories of boundless love, the energy of God's Source, which is your essence.
As you journey through life, Eva is there to support you in overcoming your fears of darkness. She helps you see that there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Her ultimate goal is to guide you to a place where infinite love is not just a memory but your guiding light through any darkness.
With love and light comes wisdom. Wisdom is the key to healing your soul and returning to your true home. Eva's greatest wish is for you to find your way back home.
For information, please visit : www.evamarquez.org