Jamie Lu
Interview Topic :
Returning to Divine Source - The Embodiment of Mother's Love
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Jamie Lu started a Shero’s journey when she left big media corporate life to heal herself instantly from debilitating disease from a young age.
Her world travels took her into mystic initiations with Divine Healers and Way Showers who helped her access her memories of being a Master Healer herself. After establishing an internationally renowned shamanic healing practice and serving thousands in her workshops and sessions, she started to remember more about the Divine Mother Lineages she comes from and began yet another Shero’s journey into embody the three Divine Mothers in her codex : Mother Mary, Quan Yin and Ma'at.
Jamie can manifest at will the living Spirit of these Mothers as an offering to her clients and communities for the purpose of healing, harmonization and liberation of consciousness. In this is a pathway towards sacred reconnection to the Great Mother Source that all life comes from and all returns too. This living Spirit of the Mother heals the body, mind and soul and offers supreme Spiritual Guardianship and abilities to manifest at will through our own Lightbody.
Jamie's work and message is about the great calling to return to the intelligence of Love and daring to become the embodiment of it. In this we can gracefully move through the world during this time .
Jamie’s Website : https://loverising.earth/